Well as I said in my last post I wanted to keep track of all the craziness in my life because some days I wonder where does all this come from? Sometimes I actually feel like I'm being punished for something maybe I did in a past life or something. I'm a good person, I always try and be nice and do right by people, so why is it that I get hit every single day with something that is like yo hold on now, how much can one person take on? I don't even remember where I left off at last time. I guess I should have read my last post so I know where to begin. Well let's see, my son's car now needs a new alternator. We had this card for what 2 months? Let me tell you, I won't mention names but don't ever buy a car down on Richmond Street. This car has been nothing but a nightmare since we got it. First the thermastat went but they fixed that as it was under 30 day warranty, then the water pump went, then the turn signals wouldn't work. Then as soon as warranty is up, it need a new starter, then the very next day the breaks were squeeling like crazy, you know what it's like to find a place on Easter weekend to get your brakes fixed? Well I did thank God, but when they showed me the rotors on that thing, that car never should have passed inspection, they were so worn down I could tell how bad it was and that's saying something for someone who doesn't know to much about cars. Well lets' flash head, ok, now this car needs an alternator. I won't even go into the story on my car because it's just to much to bare, I can't even write it down. Just the thought of how all this stuff goes wrong every single day makes my stomach sick. And on top of that an important person on my son's case will not be involved (well not as much) but I am a bit upset about that. Oh and the back small panel window on my car is broken, just more money to put out to get fixed, something that I don't have right now so I guess now. You know what it's like to drive down the highway and all you can hear is plastic blowing because we had to tape up the window. It's very annoying, believe me, very! And to top all that off I hit my head on an overhang cabinet and now have a splitting headache. So let's see what tomorrow and the rest of the weekend brings to me, maybe my house will blow away with me in it and I'll be like Dorothy and wake up in Oz.
wishing for days gone by when boys where young, I used to think how hard life was then raising 3 boys on my own, now I'd take those days back in an instant. I'd give out more hugs and kisses and be there more, go to places to have fun, but I had to work full time and I missed a lot of their growing up. Now I'll miss the rest of Timmy's life, gone at 15. How fair is that???? So my questions is, how much can one woman take on in life before they crumble? "Good night baby cakes, don't stay up late, love you".
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