Easter is just a few days away. I don't do well on holidays anymore. I remember how I used to get all the Easter Candy and hide it. Each one would get a basket and a few special treats. One of the favorite things I liked to do was put some movies in them. Then we could watch the movie during the day while dinner cooked. I remember the year before Timmy was killed I didn't do any Easter baskets. Oh my how upset he was. He said to me why didn't you make us any baskets? I explained that I thought maybe they were getting too old to have Easter baskets, I mean he was 14 years old, right? Oh no, he said, not me. Please mom next year I want an Easter basket, don't forget. So the following year, the Easter right before he was murdered I made them all Easter baskets. I wish I could find the pictures. I wish I had a digital camera back then with all the pictures I could have taken. The memories each holiday brings me sometimes are good ones, like this, but then I think that was my final and last Easter Basket for him. One time oh a long time ago when he was much younger, his older brother broke his ankle the night before Easter Sunday. We were all supposed to decorate the Easter eggs. I had the dye and all! Well I spent most of the night in the ER and didn't get home unitl after midnight. Timmy waited up, I promised to dye the eggs he said, we sat there at 1:00AM dying eggs so we'd have them for Easter the next day. Oh how tired I was I remember, but I had to keep my promise. Another one of those memories I'm so glad that I did what I did. Like if I didn't do that Easter basket because I just thought they were getting too old for them, then I wouldn't have that one last Easter memory of making sure he got his basket that year. So do I make a basket for my older boys this year? I was thinking of just making up one big one, we can call it Timmy's Easter Basket and share in the treasure of all the candy he loved. He definitly had a sweet tooth, that's for sure! Happy Easter my sweet angel.